過去にはGonno✖️Masumura、Kojiro✖️山頂瞑想茶屋のLiveや、高橋透、DJ Kensei、DJ Baku 、yoshinori hayashといったDJ陣を招聘。Liveとダンスミュージックのユーザーの垣根を越えるべく、様々なジャンルの音楽、映像その他によって独特の空間を構築してきた本パーティーが、2025年のバレンタインデーにCircus Tokyoにカムバック。
ヘッドライナーには、Amelie Lens からピックアップされ、Chris Liebing 主催のCLRより異例の2作連続EPリリース!Beatport techno(R/D/H) チャート1位獲得!など国内外問わず活躍するRISA TANIGUCHIが登場!
その他、WoodVI8ES@WOMBをOURO8OROSと共催したGoodFellas TOKYOより、ヨーロッパツアーを成功に納めたMATSUMOTO ZOKU BANDのNory Kimijimaと同朋のTonboによるLIVE SET、昨年復活を遂げアジアを軸に活躍するバンドshuhari、湘南のパーティーシーンを牽引するDramatic Boys、焚火dub jointをはじめ、都内から世界まで活躍の場を広げる様々な出演陣が集結。
OURO8OROS, an indoor festival event for all music lovers.
In the past, we’ve hosted live performances such as Gonno × Masumura, Kojiro × Sancho Meiso Chaya, as well as DJ sets from artists like Tohru Takahashi, DJ Kensei, DJ Baku, and Yoshinori Hayashi. With the goal of breaking down the barriers between live music and dance music audiences, this party has created a unique space through various genres of music, visuals, and other elements. Now, in 2025, it returns to Circus Tokyo on Valentine’s Day.
The headliner for this edition is RISA TANIGUCHI, who was picked up by Amelie Lens and released two consecutive EPs under Chris Liebing’s CLR label. She has also topped the Beatport techno (R/D/H) charts, and continues to make waves both in Japan and internationally.
Other performances include Nory Kimijima from Matsumoto Zoku Band and his label mate Tonbo with their LIVE SET, after a successful European tour. The band *shuhari*, which made a comeback last year and has been actively performing across Asia, will also take the stage. Additionally, Dramatic Boys, leading the Shonan party scene, and Takibi Dub Joint, along with a variety of talented acts from Tokyo to the global stage, will be performing.
For the immersive space design, we’re bringing in SIGHTRIP, known for their work at various outdoor events and TV appearances, as well as HATEGRAPHICS, who has consistently stood out at parties of all sizes. Plus, there will be food and limited-edition sales of upcycled plant pots. As an indoor festival, we promise a night of enjoyment from start to finish.