ハイパーでバウンシーなBreaksを中心に、Jungle、UKG、Drum’n’Bass… ベイシーで ファンキー&ドープなパーティー!
ラインナップには、柔軟かつ遊び心のある選曲と、小気味よく攻めるミックスでTech Houseを軸にHouse、Techno、Breaksを自在に行き来するプレイで定評のあ る”HIZAT”が登場。Radio Slaveのサポートや海外公演を経験し、Ventをはじめとする主 要クラブで精力的に活動しています。Groovyでファンキーなムードを作り上げる”DJ YUMI-CCO”も出演。ジャンルを超えた幅広い選曲で、青山Tunnel、新宿(渋谷) Bridgeをはじめ、さまざまな会場でフロアを盛り上げています。さらに、オーストリア出 身で、地元のラジオ局でラジオDJやパーソナリティを務めた経験を持つ”樹音”は、 Jungle、Drum’n’Bass、UK Bassを武器に、様々なイベントでマックスパワーのベース サウンドを響かせています。 レジデントには、29年続くロングランパーティー「in the mix」を主宰し、国境やジャン ルを超えた独自のミックスでコアな支持を集める”DJ MOCHIZUKI”。”OYAKTA”は、 Houseシーンから影響を受けてDJをスタート。BreaksやJungleをストーリー性豊かに展 開するプレイでフロアを魅了します。”FT”は90年代からJungleやDrum’n’Bassシーンで 活躍し、現在はFT & BlueFlowerとしても活動。ドープな独自の選曲とプレイを展開。さ らに、ハイパーでバウンシーなBreaksに傾倒する”Blue Flower”は、本パーティーを立ち 上げた張本人。本パーティーの要となるエネルギッシュなセットでフロアを熱くします。 今回も、幻想的でエネルギッシュな空気に包まれた、レイヴ感たっぷりのCircus Tokyo 1Fラウンジが舞台!深みのある低音と透き通る中高域がフロアを満たし、上質な音響でリ ラックスしつつも、実力派アーティストによる、Breaks & Bass Musicが炸裂する新春の 特別な夜をお楽しみください。
A party centered around hyper and bouncy Breaks, featuring Jungle, UKG, and Drum’n’Bass… A bass-heavy, funky, and dope experience! The lineup features “HIZAT,” renowned for their versatile and playful track selection, as well as their sharp and dynamic mixing style. Centered around Tech House, they seamlessly traverse House, Techno, and Breaks in their sets. With support from Radio Slave, international performances, and active appearances at major venues like Vent, their reputation precedes them. Joining the stage is “DJ YUMI-CCO,” who crafts groovy and funky vibes. Known for her genre-defying selection, she energizes floors at venues such as Aoyama Tunnel and Shinjuku (Shibuya) Bridge. Additionally, “JUNE,” hailing from Austria and with experience as a radio DJ and personality on a local station, brings her powerful bass-heavy sounds of Jungle, Drum’n’Bass, and UK Bass to various events, delivering maximum power to the dance floor. On the resident roster is “DJ MOCHIZUKI,” the founder of the long-running party “in the mix,” which has been thriving for 29 years. Known for their unique cross-border, cross-genre mixes, they enjoy a strong following among core music fans. “OYAKTA,” inspired by the House scene, captivates the crowd with story-driven sets weaving Breaks and Jungle. “FT,” a veteran of the Jungle and Drum’n’Bass scene since the 1990s, currently performs as part of FT & BlueFlower, showcasing deep and distinctive selections. Meanwhile, “Blue Flower,” a devotee of hyper and bouncy Breaks, is the mastermind behind this party. Their energetic sets form the backbone of the event, delivering heat to the floor. This time, the event takes place in the enchanting and energetic 1F lounge of Circus Tokyo, brimming with rave vibes. Immerse yourself in a space filled with deep basslines, crystal-clear mid and high frequencies, and top-notch sound quality. Relax and enjoy a special New Year’s night as the talents of these skilled artists erupt with Breaks & Bass Music, creating an unforgettable experience. #Breaks #breakbeat #Jungle #UKG #drumandbass #BassMusic